Ceremonial Rituals Price List

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with Abhishegam

Sri Maha Ganapathy
Trisathi Homam

Lord Ganesha Chanting 301 Moola Mantras to accomplish righteous things without hurdles or good career



Sri Dhakshinamurthy
Trisathi Homam

Lord Dhakshinamurthy For considerate improvement in education, art, wealth, health and get relieved from Guru Doshas



Sri Rudhra Trisathi

Lord Shiva To evade ill health and/or seek Lord Shiva’s complete blessings



Sri Lalitha Trisathi

Divine Mother Parvathi To seek better job opportunity and/or succeed in life



Sri Lalitha Sahasra Nama

Divine Mother Parvathi To eventuate auspiciousness and/or to accomplish righteous things



Sri Durga Trisathi Homam Divine Mother Durga Righteous projects with abruptions will be completed – particularly Marriages



Maha Mruthunjaya
Manthra Homam
Lord Shiva Medical treatments and Surgical procedures to be effective and heal well overall from ill health.



Sri Subramanya Sathru
Samhara Trisathi Homam

Lord Muruga To avoid/get rid of hindrances and enmity…particularly at work place



Sri Suyamvara Kala
Parvathi Homam

Divine Mother Parvathi To overcome hindrances in marriage proposals and get a desired life partner



Sri Vidhya Saraswathi

Goddess Saraswathi To shine in Education… particularly in Art



Medha Suktha Homam Goddess Saraswathi To attain ‘Gnanam’ and become astute in professional career



Sri Navagraha Doshas
Santhi Homam

Navagraha Devathas To come out of all Doshas and curses of Navagraha



Nakshatra Homam Star of Lunar Mansion To get relieved from doshas and excel in all walks of life



Sri Suyamvara Kala
Parvathi Homam

Divine Mother Parvathi To overcome hindrances in marriage proposals and get a desired life partner



Sri Bhairava Trisathi

Lord Bhairavar To succeed in legal battles, evade professional enmity in business and flourish



Ekha’dasa Rudhra Jaba

Lord Shiva

To achieve Lord Shiva’s blessing and posses ALL



Ayushya Homam Ayul Devatha This ritual is performed for a healthy long life and removal of all obstacles from life



Sri Vishnu Sahasra Nama

Lord Balaji

By chanting 1008 names of the ‘Protector’ Lord
Vishnu for auspiousness to eventuate



Lakshmi Sahasranama

Divine Mother

By chanting 1008 names of the Divine Mother
Lakshmi for absolute Aishwaryam



Sri SathyaNarayana Pooja Lord SathyaNarayana To achieve exceptional gains in business/career and for overall health and well being of the family.



Sri Purusha Suktha

Lord Balaji For ALL forms of prosperity



Sri Suktha Homam Divine Mother
For wealth prosperity



Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva

Lord Lakshmi Hayagrivar For good education and wealth



Sri Sudharshana Homam Lord Sudharshana Murthy To attain relief from all sufferings and evil eye castings



Dhanvantari Homam Lord Vishnu Recommended for people with chronic ailments



Santhana Gopala Homam Lord Krishna This ritual is performed to obtain the priceless boon of parenthood



Hanumar Homam Lord Anjaneya A ritual to get relief from Navagraha doshas



Garuda Homam Lord Garuda A ritual to get relief from Naga doshas and illness due to poison



Sri Narasimha Homam Lord Narasimha To evade all forms of Phobias, Anxiety and Shyness



Lakshmi Kubera Homam Lord Lakshmi Kubera For the purpose of gaining legitimate wealth




Please see POOJA / RITUAL Price List tab for other Pooja and Ritual prices.


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