Sunday, the 4th February 2024

śrīmātā śrīmahārājñī śrīmatsiṃhāsaneśvarī ।
cidagnikuṇḍasambhūtā devakāryasamudyatā ॥
Udyadbhānusahasrābhā caturbāhusamanvitā ।
rāgasvarūpapāśāḍhyā krodhākārāṅkuśojjvalā ॥
manorūpekṣukodaṇḍā pañcatanmātrasāyakā ।
nijāruṇaprabhāpūra majjadbrahmāṇḍamaṇḍalā ॥
campakāśokapunnāga saugandhikalasatkacā ।
kuruvindamaṇiśreṇī kanatkoṭīramaṇḍitā ॥
aṣṭamīcandravibhrāja dalikasthalaśobhitā ।
mukhacandrakalaṅkābha mṛganābhiviśeṣakā ॥
vadanasmaramāṅgalya gṛhatoraṇacillikā ।
vaktralakṣmīparīvāha calanmīnābhalocanā ॥
Lalitha Sahasranamam is the recitation of thousand names of the Mother Goddess Lalithamnbigai. It is a sacred text for the worshippers of the Goddess Lalitha Devi, who is considered to be a manifestation of the Divine Mother “Shakthii”, and the text is therefore used in the worship of Durga, Parvati, Kali, Lakshmi, Saraswati, Bhagavati,, as well.
The Lalitha Saharanamam is organized in such a way that Devi is described from “Head to Toe” (Kesadi Padam). The names then go on to extoll Devi in all her achievements, powers, and forms.
She is the Great Empress of the whole Universe, enthroned on the lion’s back.
Devi came out of the fire of Pure knowledge and consciousness to promote the cause of divine forces (devas).
Sunday the 4th February 2024
10.00 am – Thriu Vilakku Pooja, Sri Lalitha Sahasranama Archana & Maha Deeparadhanai.
Sri Lalitha Sahasranama Archana is performed for Goddess Sri Tripurasundari.
Devotees participating in Vilakku Pooja are requested to bring along a Vilakku (Lamp) and Tambalam/plate. Oil will be provided by the Temple.
Vilakku Pooja Donation: $25/-.
Garland for Goddess Tripurasundari – $95.00
Other Note: Sale of SAREES : The sarees that adorned the deities are offered to be bought by devotees and be blessed. The sale shall commence at 9.30am.