Vaikasi Vishakam – Nammazhwar Thirunakshatram
on Wednesday the 22nd May 2024

Nammazhwar , one of the twelve azhwars is well known for his many hyms on devotion to Vishnu. He was born on the 42nd day of the beginning of Kali Yuga in the Vishakam star in the month of Vaikasi. NammAzhwAr is hailed as Vaishnava Kula Pathi – the leader of the Vaishnava fold.
AT SVT we celebrate His Holiness’s Thirunakshtram on the 22nd May 2024.
As a lead up to this, divya prabhandam (Tiruvoimozh -1102 verses) will be chanted every evening commencing on the 19th May and culminating on the 22nd May morning.
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